Saturday, August 6, 2016

(Being Single Sucks!)  

Okay.. so, no... I'm glad that you said a big NO to going out with me.. even if it was to a minor type date..(nice dinner and maybe a movie)  and I thank you for at least being honest.  And not like most of the women I've contacted here... that tell me we will meet up... and then make excuses at the last moment. 

Here's the thing.  I'm not really attracted to you, either.  I'm really looking for a "little people" kind of woman.  Someone under 4 foot and 11 inches tall...  sort of a circus-freak kind of girl.  And especially, if she's been involved in, like.. the adult film industry..  Yeah, that's what I'm looking for.  

And, sorry to say.. that is not you.  So, we are all good. 

I hope you find the guy you're looking for.. and meanwhile, we shall continue onward...