Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017:  Year in Review

Since most are doing their “look back at the year,” I guess I’ll put in my 8-cents too. 

I cannot say that the year was a very good one: Not for humanity, America, Peace, Love, understanding, education, climate, democracy, decency or financial equality.  But, hey… it’s only one year, right? 

Love him (yuccch) or hate him, Donald Trump taught us so much about ourselves this past year.  Maybe America isn’t just apple pie, fireworks and jets flying overhead at Football stadiums.  It also about wildly diverging views about almost every aspect of our country. 

It’s damned hard work, like corralling 125 million cats, many with loaded guns.  Speaking of guns, you might call this the year of the gun… it certainly reared it’s hot leaded head this year.  People learned the ins and outs of “bump stocks,” which turn semi-automatics into… well, automatics.  All those people killed, and yet… not one new law, not one even banning these bump stocks.  And the shooters have their day.  I tell you, it’s not the fault of the gun!

But, not just guns.  Some enterprising morons discovered a car, van or truck can also be an effective weapon of mayhem.  Given the popularity of gun stocks, I should think they should begin selling battering rams for the front bumpers of cars.  Hey, it’s not the cars’ fault! 

In 2017 we also learned something is even mightier than guns or a speeding vehicle… .social media.  Perhaps this could be called “The Year of the Woman.”  The #metoo movement swept the land and brought down powerful men in bathrobes, looking for a little quid pro quo in their professions.  The Harvey Winestein scandal is probably the worst example of ugly man there is…   It’s like the world suddenly woke up to these kind of people (I hesitate to use the term “men”).  But, the truth is, they have been around for hundreds or thousands of years. 

The movie producer-mogul taking business meetings in his bedroom and casting couch has been well-documented for years.  Hell, even the Eagles wrote a song that sounds suspiciously like the same man in 1979.  “The King of Hollywood”

I’m just a little creeped out by this latest installment of feminism, that has the strangest echo of “The Handmaiden’s Tale.”  You may recall in 2016, where women comprised around 56 percent of the voting population, and yet the worst male example of “pussy grabber” still managed to win the Presidency, instead of a woman.  If you were truly serious about women’s issues, there would have been a different Presidential outcome, even if it were Hillary Clinton.  

Then there is the public trial and ex-communication of people by way of social media.  Trial by public opinion is nothing radically new, but now just an accusation is enough.  And no, I’m not defending the likes of Bill Cosby or any of them.  But this is supposed to be a county based on laws and justice.  And in so, a trial by a jury of our peers. 

Finally, I’m worried that this political movement, like so many that have come before it, might draw a lot of momentary heat and eventually die out and no real change would have been made.  Remember the Occupy Wall Street protesters?  Huh? Yeah, them.  Oh, and how about the Black Lives matter movement?  Women should have their voices heard, and they deserve equal pay for equal work.  They also should be able to go about their work and lives without having to constantly be harassed by men, sexually… and more than that, they deserve our respect….and not just a device for men to use.  Men and women need each other. 

And the reason is plain and simple.  It was a line in an old movie I once saw about defeating the devil.  “When are you going to realize, the only way we’re ever going to get this guy, is together.”    
Of course, the negative aspects of social media are also apparent, just look at our….um, President.  He and his lover, King Kong North Korea, have practically started WWIII by taunting each other with Tweets.  Who knew that an app, created to have the public interact, turned out to be the tool even Moses would hate.  It’s like the perfect panic button.  Trump tweets some ignorant line he heard from Fox news, and the entire world goes bonkers.  It’s the perfect Rube Goldberg machine…. 

Dance, public dance. 

We learned that the Nazi movement and the KKK are still alive and breathing….which is entirely too bad.  Last I heard of the Nazi’s they were a joke on the movie The Blues Brothers (1981).  Remember the Illinois Nazi’s?  Well, they’re back in burning tiki torches in protest of…. Uh… hell, who knows.  Oh, yeah statues.  Statues hailing the heroes of the losers of the Civil War.  Still backing losers, I see….

Mother Nature made a few statements this year, reminding those non-believers of climate change… that it don’t matter whether you believe it or not, the weather is going to kick your ass if you’re not catching on yet.  Fires, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and now record-breaking cold…. It’s enough for all of us to turn to our Bibles, chapter 7, Revelations. 

The great thing is, that the Florida chamber of commerce claims that building homes in the path of the hurricanes continues, unabated.  Sunshiny beaches – 1:  Hurricanes – 0   Or does it make us Lemmings?

Some of our heroes fell away, at least mine… Goodbye Johnny B. Goode-Chuck Berry, Tom Petty, “Fats” Domino and so many others.  We wish them well on their trip across the ether.  Musicians and mountains may vanish, but their music and their talents are timeless….

Well, so many world happenings… it just makes one tired and dizzy… and wanting a vacation far away from the likes of humans.  Still, there was hope too.  Sometimes you had to squint to see it, but it was there.  Oh, and the Force was again with us.  The eternal struggle.  Dark versus Light.  However, in that universe, it is believed they are equal.  In ours, I still believe light will always overcome darkness. 



As opposed to the happenings of the world, my personal life has been so much better.  It has been a good year of firsts and trying new things.  Though most has been small in nature, no visits to foreign countries or record deals, it has been very good.  Lots of time spent outdoors, among the trees, and plants and animals… and far away from the things of man.

I start with my job; I got a rather sizeable raise… thanks to the efforts of my boss, the district administrator, and the school board that took pity on the 19-year support staff person.  I even got a new title: Systems Analyst.  I just analyze systems, now… 

As of the December, it is the start of my 20th year at the school district.  I’m really stoked that starting July 1st, I will be eligible for 5 whole weeks of vacation!  Wow!  Who knew I would be more excited not to work than to work.  I could get used to this whole…  not work and get paid for it thingy.  What did someone say about socialism?   

I also got some a1 help in a co-worker that come to find out… I went to high school with.  He’s been a big help at work, and taken a lot of the pressure off from the most stressful parts of my job.  I am very thankful for him.

Musically, I’m still working on my songwriting CD project.  I’ve been struggling with finishing the pieces of parts of songs that I have started.  I did manage to finally finish one song “Ipso Fact Recoil” that was originally a music-only thing.  I have made several changes to the overall project. 

My solo show, which started in earnest, really has a way to go yet.  I was lucky enough to perform with duets, bands and solo through the year.  I did a duet show with Alex and full rock shows with venerable Checkered Past and Altered Ego bands.  I started the solo show at a ski-lodge and I was very encouraged with the turnout.  Unfortunately, it’s been difficult getting a return engagement. 

Creatively, I’m having a banner year… with story ideas that seems to be emanating out of everywhere, even from some of my dreams (nightmares).  I entered three short stories to a contest for writers, and I’m hopeful I can at least garner attention from people that can further a new career in writing.

Health-wise, I find I’ve been slipping with my weight battle, yet I feel better health-wise than I have for a very long time.  Of course, it could be due to having a new lady friend.  She’s willing to do stuff together, and it is so nice to have a kindred spirit along for the ride.  No one really knows how long we’ll spend together… and frankly, I’m not even asking.  I think that’s the best way to handle anything today… and at my age.  

A vacation in Door County and redneck river tubing were two of the bigger highlights.  Bike riding and hiking (plus a moon light walk at Devil’s Lake) were outdoor activities.  Even the holidays, normally moribund, turned out happy and healthier. 

So… on balance, it’s been a very good year here at Glaudell household.  I look forward to a 2018 full of further adventures, including a nice vacation someplace exotic…  bike riding (perhaps with a new e-bike that I’ve been lustfully checking out), hiking, and swimming.  I have been starting a New Year to-do list (bucket list?) and I’m looking forward to filling at least a goodly amount of it.  

Life is way too short to fuss and worry…  

So, I’ll sing it again…  “Smile for awhile and let’s be jolly… love shouldn’t be so melancholy… come along, enjoy the good times while we can…  “  (Rose Garden)