Sunday, February 19, 2017

Dale’s Big Night Out. 

So, in an effort to try and re-establish contact with fellow humans, I decided to go out on the town, so to speak last night. (Saturday Night)

After I made dinner at home, I stuffed the buggy with gas and drove to Lake Delton to see the movie, “The Great Wall.”  Not to be mistaken by that other wall… or the one in music lore (will maybe someday happen in reality… yeah, sure). 

I wasn’t sure, but I noticed my ticket for the 3-d version was cheaper than I thought it would be.  I looked at my ticket stub, and I think the young lad handing out the tickets gave me the senior discount.  

Under many circumstances, I would have found that to be an insult.  In this case, I was more than happy to save a few dollars off what turned out to be a mediocre movie.  (You can read my review of the movie on my movie reviews blog).
One pleasant surprise was that I ran into my boss from work at the movie theater.  I knew that he had said he was working there part time.  I don’t really he does it because he needs the money, probably more for having something (anything) to do NOT with computers, and getting out in the real world.  (Anyone that works at school knows there is a difference between the real world and….um… school world). 

He was sweeping the floor of trash, and I quipped it was good to finally see him work for a change.  He laughed a little at that…  I might have to pay for that remark, he’ll probably make me clean his office or wash his car of something…   We exchanged pleasantries and I told him I was going to see “the Great Wall.”  He asked that I give him my impression of the movie we he saw me next time. 

Short review: Meh.  Nearly every movie I’ve seen the last couple of years seems like “MEH,” with a few exceptions.  I was glad I did the 3-D version of it… as this was a movie made for the 3-D.  Otherwise, I would have really felt cheated out of money when I left.

I saw my boss again on the way out and he asked me how it was, and I said pretty much that… Meh.  He said he heard that same thing from others.  I told him I was headed out to see a friend’s band…and he remarked he was surprised the I would be out so late.  Carpe diem – seize the day!  I told him as I headed for the exit.

I was still debating to stop out and see the band as I pulled in the parking space just a block up from the Gem City Saloon in Baraboo.  The Blacker Brothers were playing and I have wanted to check them out for some time.  I opened the door to the busy and noisy Gem City. 

For those of you never been, Gem City is a nicer-than-average type tavern / eatery which has that cool, industrial, gritty feel to it that is so popular with modern joints.  I haven’t been there in a while, and the last time we had great pizza there.  Highly recommended!  My only problem is, because of the brick walls, metal ceiling and tile floors, it’s nearly impossible to have a normal conversation, especially when there’s music and crowds.  Such was the case Saturday night. 

I wedged myself to the corner of the bar and it took me a while to get the attention of the lady behind the bar.  I don’t think the bar lady was overly snobbish… more like really in a hurry.  I also noted that she had that boobs spilling over the top thing going on… which... I guess... is supposed to entice men into tipping her more.  I’m sorry, I did not.

I wanted to act like a big shot and order a gin and tonic… but, since the waitress really seemed annoyed at me... , I just asked for a beer.  Domestic beer was only 3 dollars… good price for… well, nearly anywhere.  I tipped her a buck… and not because of her boobs (though to be rather honest, they were… impressive, even if it was the bra that did of the work... and especially for a man that has wandered through the desert for so long… )

Ummm…   so, the band.  The Blacker Brothers have that great R&B groove that just seems lacking in so many Wisconsin-based white-boy bands.  I was delighted at their musicianship and groove.  There was Cory, guitarist extraordinaire sitting in the corner, peeling of chords of 7th, 9ths and sustained minors like they were candy falling from trees..   the bass player really hung on the groove, and the drummer… though not flashy, had a great sound (with an UN-MIKED set) and was constant and funky. 

About the only thing I had an issue with was I couldn’t hear the lead singer too well.  What I did hear sounded amazing and soulful, just not as loud as is should be.  The lights were nothing more than the same par 56 LED “pancake” lights that I just got in the mail...on one tree (3 of them), and the sound system was rudimentary, but perfectly functional for the house.

Review: If you ever get the chance, go see The Blacker Brothers. 

One of petty things that annoy me is something new I’ve noticed about “THE CROWD,” and I think this is a new thing.  I’ve noticed that the hardcore fans have this habit of moving the furniture around so that they sit right in front of the lead singer…  in this case, they moved 2 large round tables just a foot in front of the singer.  I know that they are the fans, but its hard for the rest of humanity to see around their fat carcasses and large-block heads. 

Yeah, we get it… you’re friends of the band!  Good for you.  Here’s a trophy.  Now, sit back and let the rest of us see.  

It’s not so much a complaint, more of an observation.  Though, I know it sounds like a complaint.  

I only stayed for 2 beers and a few songs.  As I had to wedge myself between the lady doing nothing but looking at her Cell phone (I wanted to lean over to her and say:  Hey, since you’re not in reality here… do you think you could let the old man lean against the pillar there….and you go play someplace else) and a table of college kids.  I finally thought I would leave when got pushed even more to the side by a pair of young women also pushed into the small space. 

I found myself nearly nose-to-nose with a couple that were talking about her sister…which she was annoyed with because she hasn’t even told her husband that she was pregnant.  I felt like I should have said something at that point… 

I left just as the band was doing a pretty cool version of I can’t feel my face (The Weeknd)..  If I hadn’t felt like a dinosaur walking among the Millennials, I might have stayed longer.  Like I said, it’s been a long time since I was out.  Next week, I might even chance Poor Richards.  (going backwards in time there… ) 

I went home and finished watching the movie Money Monster (Meh!) and noshing on carrots and dip. 

Yeah me!  Mr. Party all night.  

It was a start… but I was glad I got out.  I saw a bad movie, and saw a good band.  Well, at least... it was something. Now, I just need a partner in crime...  

Monday, February 6, 2017

So, I had something horrible happen to me today.  In my usual Monday…  February… blank sort of day at work.  I was feeling pretty good.  I did manage to get some actual work done.  I’m still flying high over the gig I did on Friday night… I left work, and was doing my usual boring drive from Wisconsin Dells down the strip and along to highway A (A is for Autobahn)…   Minding my own business and singing along to some great blues music on the radio…

I glanced in my rear-view and I noticed some lady in a white Toyota was just inches from my back bumper.  WOAH!!!!  (How could I tell she was a woman?  I could see her face…. She was so close, I could almost see the color of her eyes). 

As I turned off from Broadway and onto highway A, she stuck to me like glue.  I thought for sure she was going to pass me as soon as she got the chance, yet… she kept on my bumper.  The speed limit for that little stretch is 45, so I got myself up to speed as soon as I could… yet, she continued just inches from me. 

When I got to the passing zone, I slowed way-way down…  25 mph to allow her to pass.  She did not.  She did back off at that point and I thought… okay, well maybe she just forgot about the speed zone here.  Okay, no harm, no fowl.  But, once I resumed normal speed, she was once again on my bumper.  At this point, I started to get worried.  What the hell is going on?

Not to be a jerk, but I’ve seen this behavior before from some of the people that live in the condo’s section of bunker hill and Hillman roads…  for some reason, some of the folks that live there seem to be in an awful hurry…  safety be damned.  So, I figured she would turn off on Bunker Hill road. 

She did not.. she kept following me, even closer.  I mean, she was nearly touching my back bumper. 
When I got to the top of the hill, just as the speed limit reached 55, I did something I shouldn’t have done…  I gunned the little car.  Got that sucker going at a very high rate of speed… left her in the dust for about 10 seconds. 

She took off after me.  After a mile, a backed down to a reasonable speed.. and there she was on my back bumper again.  I looked in my rear view mirror and saw her take out her cell phone and was taking pictures of my car. 

At this point, I turned on my right blinker and braked hard to the right to get out of her way. 
She passed me, going at least 80 mph! 

Wholly gosh!  I realize the world is angry right now…  But, does it really have to be like this?  Just because you’re a woman, does not give you a right to be an asshole, any more than a man does. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017


I’m sorry.  You’ve got it all wrong.  I do not have to respect the 45th President, nor am I required to watch the inauguration.  Nor is it requisite for me for the “good of the country” to capitulate ethical standards which I believe in my heart to be true.  The greatest thing about this nation, is I do not have to respect the flag, nor stand for the national anthem.  I do not have to respect authority when it is wrong or even hold reverence to our veterans. 

I do those things only because I desire to, only because I believe those things to be true.  I respect veterans because my father fought in WWII, and I am in awe of people that are willing to put themselves in harm’s way to protect the rest of us.  I respect the police, because I have worked with these good men who really do protect and serve.  I love the flag for the freedom it represents. I stand for the national anthem, because I love the song.

Not because you say I must. 

So go ahead, build those walls.  I will be one of those that will help tear it down.  Make a law against burning the flag.  Sadly, I be one of the first ones to do so.  Try and mass-deport those “undesirables,” I will be standing in your way.  

Saturday, February 4, 2017

So, here’s the thing about politics.  You don’t go around making any changes in people by calling them “dicks”… because… well, chances are they are dicks.  They’ve been dicks a long time, and much better at it than you will ever be.  You’re not a dick and they are.  And just calling them that isn’t going to change anything.
You have to befriend them…  cavort with them.  Make them your allies… get close to them.  Gain their trust.  Go underground, and learn their ways.  Without selling yourself out, agree with points that you can agree on.  On things you do not, don’t say anything. 

The old idiom is true: If you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything.

Then… stab them in the heart, with a pick-axe or shank…