Thursday, December 15, 2011

Short Thots...

I haven't really been feeling very well lately. So, I'll leave you with a couple of short thoughts before I head out for the weekend:

Scott Walker. Do I really have to go here? Okay... so, hurrah for him signing all that legislation! Now we can finally purchase beer at 6 am in the morning. Seems to me that a state that is world-renown to have a drinking problem (to be born in Wisconsin, you already have a .08 in blood alcohol content...B.A.C...), we could be concentrating on better efforts. But, give credit where credit is due: Mr. Walker finally did something for the little "peples"... 

Joined a gym: Against my better (financial) judgment, I joined "Anytime Fitness" which is newly built on Hwy 12 along the Baraboo "corr-i-ador." I already have a small "workout" center in my apartment complex. It's nice, if not a little small....which makes for the "workout Nazis" forever populating the place with their compression clothing and their VOS water bottles (wanna-be Californians!).
The new A.F. club is clean, well-lit...great equipment. TV's built right into the treadmills. (whoa!) And most of the "work out Nazis" are far enough away not to mingle breathable airs with the old, fat guy which is me. One thing I have noticed about gyms here in one is friendly at all. (Well, the staff are truly helpful...but, I think it's because they want to do well at their jobs)... but all that gruntin' and groanin' must somehow freeze the face from smiling, I guess. Not like going into a bar...of course; too many years of grinning in a tavern is probably one of the biggest reasons I'm at the workout center to begin with...

Piano Lessons: Well, next Monday....I'm going to try for the "21 Club".. my teacher has milestone clubs for her students. The 21 Club is for students that have memorized 21 whole songs for recital. For me, piano lessons have been an incredibly humbling experience... most of these kids (most in Elementary school).. can play rings around the fire-breathing guitarist known as "Dr. Dale".  But, oh... children... I am catching up... slowly... and soon. soon, I will play well enough to do multi- parts of "row row row your boat!" My kung fu is strong!!!

oh... and deer!!! Wholly smoke! who let out the deer!! Every single day now, I have had at least one Odocoileus virginianus run across my path... The one pickup truck hit that was oncoming, hit one just seconds before I would have hit it. Stupid deer.... This year they happen to be way plentiful!!! Be careful out there on the roads. And someone get Governor Walker's "deer czar" (What a stupid name, by the way...) on the line... 
Later, kids...

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