Friday, August 10, 2012

No One Ever Forgets the Elephant Man (Preview 3)

No one ever forgets the Elephant Man.

A writer. Writes. A pundit. Punds. A philosopher ponders. An editor, ed….s. Fox news makes it up. Kardashian is famous for… being famous (like their predecessors the dinosaur and Paris Hilton).  Politicians screw. Scientists try to explain the “God Particle”.  Rock music, rocks! Country music… enables alcoholism. Facebook is anti-social. An Actor projects. An “A-list” Actor gives thanks God when they accept their golden idol statue. Paper mills close. I-pads and “smart phones”… well, that’s just stupid. And Stephen King? Well, he just scares the snot out of me.

Shakespeare seems to have single-handedly created all fictional characterizations (Good vs. Evil. Man vs. The Elements. Man vs. Himself), and we have been following his lead and re-telling his stories (in some form or another) in all things media for 500 years. In the United States alone, there are over 500 major studio movies released each year, 1400 fictional books, novels, and short stories published, 3000 weekly televisions shows on 900 cable television stations. The newest edition of the English Language dictionary contains some 45,000 words.

One could easy estimate over 200 trillion words have been written since the invention of the printing press and even more since first scribes loosely (in some cases, badly) transcribed the cannons of the Bible over 1500 years hence.

At some point, one would think that we’ve reached the end. The end of telling stories. The end of the mystery. The end of wonder. The end of scientific “fact”. The end of the Internet. The end of all human experience formed into words. 

Let’s face it, we all know: the Butler did it, the G spot only exists in our heads (um...metaphorically speaking), men love boobies, the rich get richer, what is true today may not be true tomorrow, the good old days weren’t always so good, and the light does indeed go out when you shut the refrigerator door.

A good friend of mine has said that there “are no more original thoughts”…he obsesses on this. And though he has some evidentiary evidence of this, I don’t really want to believe him. What would be the point of this book, then? Indeed, what would be the point in anything? Of course, this may explain his suicidal tendencies.
There are surprises however. Who knew that in the movie The Sixth Sense the character himself is a ghost?

 Though after realizing there are two (that’s TWO) remakes of the Disney movie “Snow White” on the movie screens at this moment, maybe I have to reconsider his rather drunken hypothesis. Perhaps we have reached the end of human explanation.  The facts are pretty bleak, really. We have never learned from history, though there are millions of books dedicated to it. We have yet to figure out common sense. We still believe that Christ was born on December 25th.  We believe that UFO’s are “out there,” and for just “pennies a day,” we can look like the latest 4-inch waist-ed movie star and we can enlarge our penis to finally satisfy our seemingly unsatisfied spouses. (I dunno. Maybe just listening would help?)

So why? Why in the name of Zeus would anyone need to write more words to comment on all these things that we already know to be true? Why, for example do we linger on the haunting story of Titanic? Hundreds of ships have sunk to the bottom on the dark waters of Davey Jones (not the singer). Yet we are captivated by the drama, the bravery, the hubris, the stupidity, and the human catastrophe that somehow touches us now a hundred years past.
Well, money for one. I have heard that money can buy or at least rent happiness. I would like to find if that is true. Another is notoriety. Despite my deteriorating frame, I would like to be thought well of in my dotage, and finally…in my final passing. “Sure he was a dickhead and had the head of a melon… but did you read his books?”

Finally, I have found that the writings I’ve done over my 50-ish years have been a catharsis and my own passage to find the truth. Indeed, it is out there. But, oddly enough you have to find it for yourself. You will not find your answers in a book, even the good book (sorry, Christians out there)…you find it in your heart. You find it with experience. You find it in God (Big G…Your welcome Christians), and your relationship with him.

So, as prescribed, I am no expert on anything. Nothing. Zip. Nada. But, as was suggested to me once, I just might be a cautionary tale.  So, if you want to find out how NOT to live in a relationship… How NOT to be married; How NOT to lose weight; How NOT to fix a leaking toilet; How NOT to play guitar; How NOT to spend your money; How NOT to travel…  well, kiddo… I’ve got just the tome for you.

Of course, It’s not all negatives. Other helpful and insightful life stories as: How do you kill a zombie, if they are already “the undead”? Space travel with NASA, and why it’s needed. How to make awesome heaven-like Potatoeee salad. My versions of endings of certain movies. And why time is not linear in a local jail.
Enclosed you will find ancient writings from the vaults of my very Checkered Past…  selected poems, songs, and stories. Diatribes. Song Lists. Romantic intrigue. Political shenanigans. Simple how to’s. And maybe even an answer or two you might find, eh? Hidden deep in the forest… it is pretty fertile there. 

Well, enlightening. If not, perhaps you will find a bit of yourselves or people you know here. I hope so.
So, I hope that with this writing, we can finally put a stop sign on the writings of mankind. The end of all written words from this point. Ye shall not go past this point in human written existence! The Alpha and Omega, baby! A period on the end of modern human life. From here on in, we can move on with a clean slate. And in an orderly fashion.

Let’s look with open eyes and joyful hearts to the future. 

No one Ever Forgets the Elephant Man (Preview 2)

[song list of a band I was in called Shock from Plain, WI. The year I graduated high school 1977]
“Shock” – Songs June 7, 1977
1.      Walk this way
2.      Wild Cherry
3.      We’re an American Band
4.      Takin’ care of Business
5.      Jumpin’ Jack Flash
6.      Sweet Emotion
7.      It don’t come Easy
8.      Blowing Free
9.      Can’t get enough
10.  Snakeskin Cowboys
11.  Honey Child
12.  Rebel, Rebel
13.  Rock n’ me
14.  Pinball Wizard
15.  Feel like Makin’ love
16.  Strutter
17.  Little Queeny (sic)
18.  Johnny B. Goode
19.  Rock n’ Roll
20.  ‘Ello kiddies
21.  Rocky Mountain Way

No One Ever Forgets The Elephant Man (Preview)

No one ever forgets the Elephant man!
The Many writings from: Dale Eric Glaudell.
Chapter One: An explanation.
Greetings foul reader! I really am so glad you took the time out of your busy life to read these parts of me. Here you will find an explosion of words. Some in complete sentences. Some, not so much. Over the years (many many years, actually) I have found I have written a con-sarn-it whole lot of words. Many of them I have mis-spelled, yet for some reason several people have told me that I write “very well.” (whatever that means). My ego says I must continue thusly.
I would like to share these words and sentences with you, if you are willing to take an interesting journey through the many passages, stories and lists in these pages. My hope is that some will move you. Some will make you laugh. Some will make you wonder. Some with make you very angry. But, overall I’m hoping some will make you think, consider, and perhaps draw some conclusions about life, love, sex, and the meaning of reality television.
Mankind has been endowed with the gift of written language.  It seems such a waste not to use it for your own understanding of our life in the cosmos. Besides, if this is only a quick stopping point to a better place (Where it seems many of us go after this), I believe it is best to capture as much of it as we can while we still have the chance. Before I do go..
I want you to know this…..
(PS. All illustrations and writings are indeed, from the author; unless otherwise noted).

August, 2012: WOW! Your profile has been checked out by 11 women this week! Subscribe and see who is interested in you!
Oh, my Lord! I am so lonely. I’m so horny. Honestly at this point I think I could probably fuck a ham sandwich with lots of mayonnaise.  How did I get here?

5th grade:  The magic empty beer can....