Sunday, May 25, 2014

Baraboo News Republic (Letters to the Editor - May 21, 2014)

May 21, 2014 4:38 pm
One of the more interesting letters to the editor recently came not from “the usual suspects,” but a politician running for office in the State Assembly’s 81st District, Ashton Kirsch.
First, props to Kirsch for hitting all the proper nouns, adjectives and touch points necessary for a young politico today: caring father, local graduate, less government and more tax relief. Since he’s rather new, we can forgive the lack of substance in his letter, other than he cares about children, jobs and is working on a “seven points to prosperity” strategy that will undoubtedly sweep us off our feet.
It’s OK if he’s a little vague, as politicians have a habit of later regretting specifics. Gov. Scott Walker’s detractors often criticize him over that 250,000 jobs promise. As much as I would like to see that charlatan exit the political stage (posthaste), I realize that a campaign promise is a little like driving a date home from the prom -- say anything to get a little happy ending after the dance.
After some research, you’ll find that Kirsch looks like he comes from the more libertarian side of the political spectrum; even further to the right than the Tea Party. I have no problems with Libertarians. Unlike the Tea Party, they spell out exactly what they want: no government. I find that a bit odd. A politician arguing against politics is like being a kosher pig farmer.
Nevertheless, it’s good to see new blood in an arena where the Republicans sorely need it. The Republican tent has gotten mighty small recently. How many angry, rich CEOs can you throw at the voters before the voters don’t vote? Oh, we’re already there? Here’s hoping Kirsch gives us something new. I guess we’ll see.
As Sen. Palpatine (in “Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace”) puts it, “And you, young Skywalker; we shall watch your career with great interest.” Of course, we all know where the story goes after that.
Dale Glaudell, Baraboo

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