Sunday, February 23, 2020

Recently, a friend lamented about losing friends he had due to face book posts about politics. I commiserated with him. Though we are political opposites I think of him as a brother, someone I would stand shoulder to shoulder with in any sort of fracas, or trouble.  But, man. Some of his posts…. Ewe.

I believe the disconnection with those we were once close to is another example of our technology smarter than those that use it. We seemed to have forgotten that in this country, we have rights. 

Oh, we haven’t forgotten that. But, we did not realize with each and every right comes a responsibility and consequences if we forget.
You have a right to own a gun. But you also have a responsibility to keep it out of the wrong hands. And secured away safely, when not in use. If not, the consequences can be catastrophic.

You have a right to stand and scream at the top of your lungs, if you believe the world is flat. But you have a responsibility to study and examine science so you speak with some knowledge, not just parrot what you saw on some web site.

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