Friday, July 21, 2023


A history lesson for y’all…

P.T. Barnum (The man attributed with the saying, “A sucker born every minute”) also accurately said “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” Mick Jagger once said, “As long as my face is on page one, I don’t care about what they say about me on page 17.” Well, with the big dust-up over a Jason Aldean song, I would say he got himself a number-one hit, with a bullet (Bad pun, sorry).

As far as outrage goes, in 1966 John Lennon said of the Beatles, “We’re more popular than Jesus now.” Outrage ensued, and there were “Burn Beatle albums” parties in the streets of America. And, wasn’t it just recently, a certain section of America was outraged at a certain lite beer spokesperson representing a certain (not particularly great to start with) beer? Oh, yeah. I remember now.

While I do not agree with the small town assessment in his song, after all I grew up in a small town and anyone taking the law into their own hands were, well…. Jailed, I really honestly don’t care about your controversy. In a few months from now, seems like we’ll all be mad about something else.

How about we worry about things like….oh, I don’t know…. The environment (another heat wave on the way), China, Russia, North Korea, Schooling kids, or rising rents and the status of our crappy roads here?

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