Start from Ludington: 11:00 a.m.
260.4 miles
431.7 miles total (so far)
Arrived at Port Huron: 4:50 p.m.
Michigan is a land of confusion.. there are so many personalities of this state. First, it’s mostly known for Detroit, old world… 50’s and 60’s automobiles. Flint Michigan. Grand Funk Railroad. Bob Seger. Three chord, old school rock n’ roll. Motown. Tough as nails. Rust. Pig Iron and Steel.
But, there is so much more to Michigan than you think you do. For one, the state is nearly surrounded by water, the great lakes. It’s a rusty anchor, with Lake Michigan to its West, Lake Superior to its North Lake Huron on its Eastern flank, and even a little Lake Erie on the South East tip. I can see why this state was one of the great manufacturing states, so many ports of call.
But, there’s more: Fishermen. Divers. Merchant ships. And Sportsmen. And then there’s the Midwest charm of the place. They still love their long-suffering Lions (Who have not, as of this date, won a football game since near the end of the 2007 season), and who more than this state can boast the undeniable title of “Underdog”.
Then there are the big trees, and long forgotten dirt roads once used for the logging companies that made their businesses here. Hunting. Wow, I’ve seen so many hunting stores and places with guns that could easily shoot down a hundred deer without so much as a spurt. So much that just a place that’s dirt poor and not easily getting used to it. 15 percent unemployment (officially), but I see evidence it’s a lot worse than that.
I started off later than I usually do, as I lounged around the motel room. I took my time. Decided I was not going to eat until I got to Port Sanilac, facing big Lake Huron. Looked like a good place to stop.
Other cool stuff: I got to listen to “Tommy” (The Who) in its entirety. Listened to some great polka music. Heard the Packers Lost the game… arrrg. Oh, ate dinner at a nice little dive called “CJ’s” in Port Huron. Yes, I’m sure there is a CJ’s in nearly every small town in America. Great burger.. and the waitresses were hot. What else could you ask for?
The accident: Yes, there was an accident. No, it was not serious. No, I did not get hurt. No, the police did not get involved. Stupid, actually… I hurt my pride (and my front bumper) more than anything. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Still looking for a good place to purchase a refrigerator magnet, I stopped at what I thought was a nice spot on the corner of the highway, “Scott’s Quick Stop”.
I entered and was shocked to see it was also a gun sales store. And what guns! Jeesh! I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure I saw a couple AK47’s hanging on the wall with price tags on them. I still have to wonder, exactly what kind of animal would you be hunting with an AK47? Well, no magnets, so I bought an expensive diet coke and headed back out to the car. I drank the coke and took a small brake leaning against my car.
I got into the car, and was attempting to turn left onto the roadway from the parking lot. I turned left at the first open opportunity, and suddenly a highway sign pole was in front of me. I ran it over and heard an awful sound a screeching metal against plastic (my bumper) . The sign fell over with a thud on the roadway. I immediately stopped the car and backed up.
I could see several witnesses to the accident, as I weighed my options… do I just leave and pretend I didn’t do it? Dicey at best. No. I decided I would do the honest thing and go into the store and ask to call the police.
I talked to a very nice dispatch lady, and she asked for my cell phone number. I got back out to the car to get a call by the Michigan State Trooper. He asked me all the information, and then he said some extraordinary; there was not enough state troopers available to handle this non-emergency, so there was nothing he could do. He asked if over 1000 dollars damage was done to my car, I answer (truthfully) no. It just knocked out the fog light I (just weeks ago) proudly put back into it’s plastic holder.
The Trooper repeated the fact they were short handed (it was a Sunday Afternoon in sunny and mild weather), and told me that since this was nothing to worry about, I could just leave. Greatly relieved, I thanked him, shaking my head, and headed on my journey.
Maybe I just “had my glitch” for the trip. I was pretty much ready to run back home.
Sometime after that, I was in the small town of Port Sanilac. There were no real good places to dine, so I decided to wait until after I got to the Hotel room. It was a nice walk, however, along the beach on Lake Huron. Beautiful, is all I can say. The marina was a protected sleeve from the breakwater of the big lake. I watched several people pull their boats out of the slip and enjoyed the fresh and clear air.
It took me a lot longer to get to the motel room than I thought. But once I got here, I noticed no wireless internet (at least not in my room), and the television had a real annoying green tint (and no way to adjust the screen color). I asked the nice lady if I could switch rooms (I suspected, correctly, the reason I couldn’t get any Internet was my room was too far from the office). She was very helpful, and now here I am.
I’m glad the accident was nothing more than just a blow to my confidence. But, again… sometimes I think it’s just the Angels with me again, reminding me to PAY ATTENTION!!!
I still don’t know how that stupid pole got in front of my car.
Tomorrow, I had better be a little sharper. I head into the Canadian border tomorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing Niagara Falls again. It’s been two days of perfect weather, but it looks like it may rain on my parade. No matter, I plan on getting mighty wet when I visit the falls for the second time in my life. (the first time, she was wet.. LOL)…
I’m going to see about riding the Maid of the Mist too. Back to you… F*ckers!! (From the movie “Bruce Almighty”)…
260.4 miles
431.7 miles total (so far)
Arrived at Port Huron: 4:50 p.m.
Michigan is a land of confusion.. there are so many personalities of this state. First, it’s mostly known for Detroit, old world… 50’s and 60’s automobiles. Flint Michigan. Grand Funk Railroad. Bob Seger. Three chord, old school rock n’ roll. Motown. Tough as nails. Rust. Pig Iron and Steel.
But, there is so much more to Michigan than you think you do. For one, the state is nearly surrounded by water, the great lakes. It’s a rusty anchor, with Lake Michigan to its West, Lake Superior to its North Lake Huron on its Eastern flank, and even a little Lake Erie on the South East tip. I can see why this state was one of the great manufacturing states, so many ports of call.
But, there’s more: Fishermen. Divers. Merchant ships. And Sportsmen. And then there’s the Midwest charm of the place. They still love their long-suffering Lions (Who have not, as of this date, won a football game since near the end of the 2007 season), and who more than this state can boast the undeniable title of “Underdog”.
Then there are the big trees, and long forgotten dirt roads once used for the logging companies that made their businesses here. Hunting. Wow, I’ve seen so many hunting stores and places with guns that could easily shoot down a hundred deer without so much as a spurt. So much that just a place that’s dirt poor and not easily getting used to it. 15 percent unemployment (officially), but I see evidence it’s a lot worse than that.
I started off later than I usually do, as I lounged around the motel room. I took my time. Decided I was not going to eat until I got to Port Sanilac, facing big Lake Huron. Looked like a good place to stop.
Other cool stuff: I got to listen to “Tommy” (The Who) in its entirety. Listened to some great polka music. Heard the Packers Lost the game… arrrg. Oh, ate dinner at a nice little dive called “CJ’s” in Port Huron. Yes, I’m sure there is a CJ’s in nearly every small town in America. Great burger.. and the waitresses were hot. What else could you ask for?
The accident: Yes, there was an accident. No, it was not serious. No, I did not get hurt. No, the police did not get involved. Stupid, actually… I hurt my pride (and my front bumper) more than anything. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Still looking for a good place to purchase a refrigerator magnet, I stopped at what I thought was a nice spot on the corner of the highway, “Scott’s Quick Stop”.
I entered and was shocked to see it was also a gun sales store. And what guns! Jeesh! I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure I saw a couple AK47’s hanging on the wall with price tags on them. I still have to wonder, exactly what kind of animal would you be hunting with an AK47? Well, no magnets, so I bought an expensive diet coke and headed back out to the car. I drank the coke and took a small brake leaning against my car.
I got into the car, and was attempting to turn left onto the roadway from the parking lot. I turned left at the first open opportunity, and suddenly a highway sign pole was in front of me. I ran it over and heard an awful sound a screeching metal against plastic (my bumper) . The sign fell over with a thud on the roadway. I immediately stopped the car and backed up.
I could see several witnesses to the accident, as I weighed my options… do I just leave and pretend I didn’t do it? Dicey at best. No. I decided I would do the honest thing and go into the store and ask to call the police.
I talked to a very nice dispatch lady, and she asked for my cell phone number. I got back out to the car to get a call by the Michigan State Trooper. He asked me all the information, and then he said some extraordinary; there was not enough state troopers available to handle this non-emergency, so there was nothing he could do. He asked if over 1000 dollars damage was done to my car, I answer (truthfully) no. It just knocked out the fog light I (just weeks ago) proudly put back into it’s plastic holder.
The Trooper repeated the fact they were short handed (it was a Sunday Afternoon in sunny and mild weather), and told me that since this was nothing to worry about, I could just leave. Greatly relieved, I thanked him, shaking my head, and headed on my journey.
Maybe I just “had my glitch” for the trip. I was pretty much ready to run back home.
Sometime after that, I was in the small town of Port Sanilac. There were no real good places to dine, so I decided to wait until after I got to the Hotel room. It was a nice walk, however, along the beach on Lake Huron. Beautiful, is all I can say. The marina was a protected sleeve from the breakwater of the big lake. I watched several people pull their boats out of the slip and enjoyed the fresh and clear air.
It took me a lot longer to get to the motel room than I thought. But once I got here, I noticed no wireless internet (at least not in my room), and the television had a real annoying green tint (and no way to adjust the screen color). I asked the nice lady if I could switch rooms (I suspected, correctly, the reason I couldn’t get any Internet was my room was too far from the office). She was very helpful, and now here I am.
I’m glad the accident was nothing more than just a blow to my confidence. But, again… sometimes I think it’s just the Angels with me again, reminding me to PAY ATTENTION!!!
I still don’t know how that stupid pole got in front of my car.
Tomorrow, I had better be a little sharper. I head into the Canadian border tomorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing Niagara Falls again. It’s been two days of perfect weather, but it looks like it may rain on my parade. No matter, I plan on getting mighty wet when I visit the falls for the second time in my life. (the first time, she was wet.. LOL)…
I’m going to see about riding the Maid of the Mist too. Back to you… F*ckers!! (From the movie “Bruce Almighty”)…
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