Monday, February 6, 2017

So, I had something horrible happen to me today.  In my usual Monday…  February… blank sort of day at work.  I was feeling pretty good.  I did manage to get some actual work done.  I’m still flying high over the gig I did on Friday night… I left work, and was doing my usual boring drive from Wisconsin Dells down the strip and along to highway A (A is for Autobahn)…   Minding my own business and singing along to some great blues music on the radio…

I glanced in my rear-view and I noticed some lady in a white Toyota was just inches from my back bumper.  WOAH!!!!  (How could I tell she was a woman?  I could see her face…. She was so close, I could almost see the color of her eyes). 

As I turned off from Broadway and onto highway A, she stuck to me like glue.  I thought for sure she was going to pass me as soon as she got the chance, yet… she kept on my bumper.  The speed limit for that little stretch is 45, so I got myself up to speed as soon as I could… yet, she continued just inches from me. 

When I got to the passing zone, I slowed way-way down…  25 mph to allow her to pass.  She did not.  She did back off at that point and I thought… okay, well maybe she just forgot about the speed zone here.  Okay, no harm, no fowl.  But, once I resumed normal speed, she was once again on my bumper.  At this point, I started to get worried.  What the hell is going on?

Not to be a jerk, but I’ve seen this behavior before from some of the people that live in the condo’s section of bunker hill and Hillman roads…  for some reason, some of the folks that live there seem to be in an awful hurry…  safety be damned.  So, I figured she would turn off on Bunker Hill road. 

She did not.. she kept following me, even closer.  I mean, she was nearly touching my back bumper. 
When I got to the top of the hill, just as the speed limit reached 55, I did something I shouldn’t have done…  I gunned the little car.  Got that sucker going at a very high rate of speed… left her in the dust for about 10 seconds. 

She took off after me.  After a mile, a backed down to a reasonable speed.. and there she was on my back bumper again.  I looked in my rear view mirror and saw her take out her cell phone and was taking pictures of my car. 

At this point, I turned on my right blinker and braked hard to the right to get out of her way. 
She passed me, going at least 80 mph! 

Wholly gosh!  I realize the world is angry right now…  But, does it really have to be like this?  Just because you’re a woman, does not give you a right to be an asshole, any more than a man does. 

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