Friday, April 22, 2011

From Feb 9th, 2009 (Moving it from FB)

That's the last time I werk with shumone wid a shpeech impediment!


What a revoltin' development!

Where men are men...and sheep are afraid.

I miss you.. but at this range, my aim is bound to get betta...

Hey, I know a coupla guys... (spoken like a mobster)

I had a great night... but this wasn't it...

I'm here all week... try the veal!

I can't see sh*t....

I'm never late... I was detained...

I don't practice.... I rehearse!

I'm just a big mac guy in a sirloin steak world..

I tellya I get no respect...

Why I autta....

LUCY!!!!! You gotta lotta e'splainin' to do!!!

My fadda was a gorrilla.


I'm so horny my hair hurts!

Hunny, I think you're sitting on a gold mine...

I don't have to be a Doctor, to know I losegin me patience... (spoken like Popeye)

I'll go get you a towel...

You should be kissed often...and by someone who knows how.. (stolen from GWTW)

So, they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly.... Hills that is...

Sure. I play guitar for a gizzillion years... then I play it with a beer bottle... and that's the thing they remember.....

I'm working on my "porno music"... wakka wakka dinga dinga wah wah..

Ah, fer cryin' out loud!!!!

Mightya have a wee bit of the whiskey? The sun is so hot on me pate and I be a poor lad that is parched...

Starvin' Marvin'...

And my all time favorite: F**K ME!!

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