Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Letter to the Editor 11 11 2011

This is my ongoing letter to the editor campaign...  to stamp down ignorance in the media. For me, it's one thing to write inflaming things as letters to the editor.. that is the public's right and duty... but quite another to be paid to do such. As I will follow up in another post I am working on: There is nothing that informs or entertains about the the new breed of newspaper columnists... they write solely based on their own emotions on subjects they have little (or no) experience... and essentially write to inflame and divide the public. 
I have no idea if it was ever published in the State Journal. 

Dear Editor,

With jugheads like Chris Rickert writing about teacher’s evaluation tied to performance, I have to wonder if such pundits (who do nothing but pund all day) have any real qualifications to write about anything other than finding home row on their keyboards. Why, trained monkeys could do that job! In fact, I’m certain some do.  

If I were a teacher in Wisconsin, I would proceed to throw up my hands in disgust and tell all the students in my class, “Okay.. everyone gets an A. Class dismissed!” It’s a good thing I’m not a teacher. And one wonders what they (teachers) had done to poor Mr. Rickert to warrant such resentment. Failed him in journalism class?

Well, perhaps he has a point after all. Should not all workers be paid for their “performance?” I know the newspaper industry has also fallen on hard times. They are looking to cut costs just like everyone. Perhaps newspaper “pundits” should be paid in this way as well.

The newspaper’s online division could set up a like-dislike button and depending on how many positive responses; this would be used to pay a percentage of the commentators’ salary.  A pass/fail system on how well Mr. Rickert writes his column would be a dandy cost-saving measure for the State Journal. Too many negative reviews from his readers, and he stands in the soup lines with the rest of us.

Hey, no need to thank me. You’re welcome. 

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