Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017:  Year in Review

Since most are doing their “look back at the year,” I guess I’ll put in my 8-cents too. 

I cannot say that the year was a very good one: Not for humanity, America, Peace, Love, understanding, education, climate, democracy, decency or financial equality.  But, hey… it’s only one year, right? 

Love him (yuccch) or hate him, Donald Trump taught us so much about ourselves this past year.  Maybe America isn’t just apple pie, fireworks and jets flying overhead at Football stadiums.  It also about wildly diverging views about almost every aspect of our country. 

It’s damned hard work, like corralling 125 million cats, many with loaded guns.  Speaking of guns, you might call this the year of the gun… it certainly reared it’s hot leaded head this year.  People learned the ins and outs of “bump stocks,” which turn semi-automatics into… well, automatics.  All those people killed, and yet… not one new law, not one even banning these bump stocks.  And the shooters have their day.  I tell you, it’s not the fault of the gun!

But, not just guns.  Some enterprising morons discovered a car, van or truck can also be an effective weapon of mayhem.  Given the popularity of gun stocks, I should think they should begin selling battering rams for the front bumpers of cars.  Hey, it’s not the cars’ fault! 

In 2017 we also learned something is even mightier than guns or a speeding vehicle… .social media.  Perhaps this could be called “The Year of the Woman.”  The #metoo movement swept the land and brought down powerful men in bathrobes, looking for a little quid pro quo in their professions.  The Harvey Winestein scandal is probably the worst example of ugly man there is…   It’s like the world suddenly woke up to these kind of people (I hesitate to use the term “men”).  But, the truth is, they have been around for hundreds or thousands of years. 

The movie producer-mogul taking business meetings in his bedroom and casting couch has been well-documented for years.  Hell, even the Eagles wrote a song that sounds suspiciously like the same man in 1979.  “The King of Hollywood”

I’m just a little creeped out by this latest installment of feminism, that has the strangest echo of “The Handmaiden’s Tale.”  You may recall in 2016, where women comprised around 56 percent of the voting population, and yet the worst male example of “pussy grabber” still managed to win the Presidency, instead of a woman.  If you were truly serious about women’s issues, there would have been a different Presidential outcome, even if it were Hillary Clinton.  

Then there is the public trial and ex-communication of people by way of social media.  Trial by public opinion is nothing radically new, but now just an accusation is enough.  And no, I’m not defending the likes of Bill Cosby or any of them.  But this is supposed to be a county based on laws and justice.  And in so, a trial by a jury of our peers. 

Finally, I’m worried that this political movement, like so many that have come before it, might draw a lot of momentary heat and eventually die out and no real change would have been made.  Remember the Occupy Wall Street protesters?  Huh? Yeah, them.  Oh, and how about the Black Lives matter movement?  Women should have their voices heard, and they deserve equal pay for equal work.  They also should be able to go about their work and lives without having to constantly be harassed by men, sexually… and more than that, they deserve our respect….and not just a device for men to use.  Men and women need each other. 

And the reason is plain and simple.  It was a line in an old movie I once saw about defeating the devil.  “When are you going to realize, the only way we’re ever going to get this guy, is together.”    
Of course, the negative aspects of social media are also apparent, just look at our….um, President.  He and his lover, King Kong North Korea, have practically started WWIII by taunting each other with Tweets.  Who knew that an app, created to have the public interact, turned out to be the tool even Moses would hate.  It’s like the perfect panic button.  Trump tweets some ignorant line he heard from Fox news, and the entire world goes bonkers.  It’s the perfect Rube Goldberg machine…. 

Dance, public dance. 

We learned that the Nazi movement and the KKK are still alive and breathing….which is entirely too bad.  Last I heard of the Nazi’s they were a joke on the movie The Blues Brothers (1981).  Remember the Illinois Nazi’s?  Well, they’re back in burning tiki torches in protest of…. Uh… hell, who knows.  Oh, yeah statues.  Statues hailing the heroes of the losers of the Civil War.  Still backing losers, I see….

Mother Nature made a few statements this year, reminding those non-believers of climate change… that it don’t matter whether you believe it or not, the weather is going to kick your ass if you’re not catching on yet.  Fires, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and now record-breaking cold…. It’s enough for all of us to turn to our Bibles, chapter 7, Revelations. 

The great thing is, that the Florida chamber of commerce claims that building homes in the path of the hurricanes continues, unabated.  Sunshiny beaches – 1:  Hurricanes – 0   Or does it make us Lemmings?

Some of our heroes fell away, at least mine… Goodbye Johnny B. Goode-Chuck Berry, Tom Petty, “Fats” Domino and so many others.  We wish them well on their trip across the ether.  Musicians and mountains may vanish, but their music and their talents are timeless….

Well, so many world happenings… it just makes one tired and dizzy… and wanting a vacation far away from the likes of humans.  Still, there was hope too.  Sometimes you had to squint to see it, but it was there.  Oh, and the Force was again with us.  The eternal struggle.  Dark versus Light.  However, in that universe, it is believed they are equal.  In ours, I still believe light will always overcome darkness. 



As opposed to the happenings of the world, my personal life has been so much better.  It has been a good year of firsts and trying new things.  Though most has been small in nature, no visits to foreign countries or record deals, it has been very good.  Lots of time spent outdoors, among the trees, and plants and animals… and far away from the things of man.

I start with my job; I got a rather sizeable raise… thanks to the efforts of my boss, the district administrator, and the school board that took pity on the 19-year support staff person.  I even got a new title: Systems Analyst.  I just analyze systems, now… 

As of the December, it is the start of my 20th year at the school district.  I’m really stoked that starting July 1st, I will be eligible for 5 whole weeks of vacation!  Wow!  Who knew I would be more excited not to work than to work.  I could get used to this whole…  not work and get paid for it thingy.  What did someone say about socialism?   

I also got some a1 help in a co-worker that come to find out… I went to high school with.  He’s been a big help at work, and taken a lot of the pressure off from the most stressful parts of my job.  I am very thankful for him.

Musically, I’m still working on my songwriting CD project.  I’ve been struggling with finishing the pieces of parts of songs that I have started.  I did manage to finally finish one song “Ipso Fact Recoil” that was originally a music-only thing.  I have made several changes to the overall project. 

My solo show, which started in earnest, really has a way to go yet.  I was lucky enough to perform with duets, bands and solo through the year.  I did a duet show with Alex and full rock shows with venerable Checkered Past and Altered Ego bands.  I started the solo show at a ski-lodge and I was very encouraged with the turnout.  Unfortunately, it’s been difficult getting a return engagement. 

Creatively, I’m having a banner year… with story ideas that seems to be emanating out of everywhere, even from some of my dreams (nightmares).  I entered three short stories to a contest for writers, and I’m hopeful I can at least garner attention from people that can further a new career in writing.

Health-wise, I find I’ve been slipping with my weight battle, yet I feel better health-wise than I have for a very long time.  Of course, it could be due to having a new lady friend.  She’s willing to do stuff together, and it is so nice to have a kindred spirit along for the ride.  No one really knows how long we’ll spend together… and frankly, I’m not even asking.  I think that’s the best way to handle anything today… and at my age.  

A vacation in Door County and redneck river tubing were two of the bigger highlights.  Bike riding and hiking (plus a moon light walk at Devil’s Lake) were outdoor activities.  Even the holidays, normally moribund, turned out happy and healthier. 

So… on balance, it’s been a very good year here at Glaudell household.  I look forward to a 2018 full of further adventures, including a nice vacation someplace exotic…  bike riding (perhaps with a new e-bike that I’ve been lustfully checking out), hiking, and swimming.  I have been starting a New Year to-do list (bucket list?) and I’m looking forward to filling at least a goodly amount of it.  

Life is way too short to fuss and worry…  

So, I’ll sing it again…  “Smile for awhile and let’s be jolly… love shouldn’t be so melancholy… come along, enjoy the good times while we can…  “  (Rose Garden) 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Song writing Chat: 

“Ipso Facto Recoil”  

Hello folks!  Well, I decided to include an insight to writing the song I just released yesterday “Ipso Facto Recoil.”  It’s not likely many really give a darn about songwriting or the steps I’ve taken… but perhaps my 3 loyal readers might enjoy some insight.  It’s a scary place… up there in my brain.  But, anyway…

The Title: Ipso Facto was an interesting expression   I had once heard on an old science fiction movie somewhere. Dictionary term: by that very fact or act: as an inevitable result. Seems when some scientist wants to sound all science-y, they utter something like, “Ipso Facto, Cogito, ergo sum.”  (Literally: by the very fact I think therefore, I am)…  I mean, that sounds impressively scientific, right?

Well, I like the idea of the word and how it sort of slips off the tongue, so I thought I might use it somewhere… a story or maybe a song.  Because I love to play with words, I have found you can combine expressions or words that usually not found together to create a new thought.  For example -  Vicious Pudding (an old friend’s band name) or Ball Peen Sandwich. 

So, I thought to myself one day… Ipso Facto Recoil. 

Originally, I thought it would be a music-only song.  I had a melody at least and wanted it to be acoustic guitars…not much else.  The more and more I played the chords over the melody, I started getting words in my head. 

Now, the words came from the fact I did a bad thing one night by watching the nightly news…and I am just exhausted by all the bad stuff.  Seems like we are really entertaining the idea of nuclear war.  Something just horrifying, and yet we seem to be getting comfortable with the idea of war so terrible, they made horror movies about it. 

I had very mixed feelings about the song as it developed.  I have talked to several songwriters of note and others about writing what was essentially, a “protest song.”  In today’s world where it’s really all: US AGAINST THEM in almost every aspect of life… it seems a pretty big gamble.  Their resounding response to “should I do this” was a universal “Hell, no!” 

I mean, if you were Bruce Springsteen for example… you can get away with writing a song that may piss of one faction or another.  But if you’re just some no-account git with one whole gig to their entire show line-up, you want people…as many as possible…. to at least respect your work.  And at least enough to see the show or buy the CD someday. 

It’s safer to write songs with a good beat and especially more relevant topics like: drinking on a Saturday night and heartaches and getting down in da club.  I’m not against songs like that…and I have a few on this project, if fact. 

Also, I did not want this song to become just another anti-Trump rant.  Frankly, that’s just too easy.  And my political ire is not just directed at one President, or one party.  Bad actors of both sides of the isles are we were are in the funk we are in…  the nice guys are too ineffective and the bad guys just act for themselves. 

So, I wanted the lyrics to cut both ways if possible.  I did, however, get in a big dig about the WALL.  To me (in my opinion), the Wall represents the apex of political idiocy.  Personally, I think maybe people are somehow conditioned by watching “Escape from New York” 

to think… well, yah…. We’ll build a big ass wall and keep out all the bad people.  Of course, something like that wouldn’t just be overwhelming expensive and ugly, but it runs counter to the idea that our nation welcomes all people.  Yes, even some the worship differently than you or me.  (And no, that’s not giving a pass to those that want to do harm or destroy us or kill innocent people). 

Yet, the idea that the “old, grey men” which STILL rule this world is an indictment on humanity ever growing past its violent and ugly history.  We are still stuck in the 1600’s, full of fear and anger and greed…. When we should be diggin’ the jams and flying in our self-driving cars. 

In any case, it’s hard to fit all that into a few lines in a song… so I tried to be as double-entrée as I could.  “Watch as they dance in front of us.  Grey, Donkey Ass.  Slow-moving Elephants.” 

Also, the line “push the button” comes from a co-worker friend of mine which seemed appropriate.  Visions of the scene in “The Dead Zone” dances in my head while I wrote that line…  

I also deeply debated the gunshot to start the song.  I had actually wanted to use someone shouting “I command you to STAND for the NATIONAL ANTHEM!!”  followed by the click-click of rifles as in a firing squad.  This would repeat three times before the first notes of the song began.  First, any shouting I did just sounded like ME…. I wanted a more authoritative voice giving the commands…  you know, like a drill sergeant would sound.  I scoured the internet for the right sound file for that, but had no luck. 

Same thing with the click-click of the rifles.  I could find plenty of sounds, but nothing that had the right sound for me. 

Then, I didn’t want people to get too confused by inserting another theme into the song, even before the song started.  Finally, I didn’t want people to think that I’m necessarily siding with the players for protesting the National Anthem. 

My take?  I believe the players have a right to protest and have their say.  However, like so many other things in our hyper-media society, their message of equality has been largely lost.  Now, it’s “You don’t respect the flag,” which has gotten in the way. 

I’m sorry, but I happen to love this country and I think it’s the right thing to pay respect to the flag and the national anthem.  Now, the players message has not only gotten lost, they look like a bunch of overpaid, muscle-bound babies that don’t even love their own country (which allows them the freedom to be exactly that). 

Now… again, I don’t think people would have understood the message I wanted to send: which is - I stand for the national anthem because I want to.  But, to stand for the national anthem at gunpoint and at command is the most un-American thing ever. 

That’s too much for the first 10 seconds of a song.  So, I opted for a sound of a gun going off. 

The ending was always going to be a nuclear explosion.  But, I book-ended it with that same gunshot sound (perfect sound bit by the way).  I wanted the nuclear explosion to be the absolute reverse of the very ending of the movie “Fail Safe.”  (1964 movie with Henry Fonda and a very young Larry Hagman).  

In the movie, the American pilot drops the nuclear warhead on NYC, injects himself with a poison, and as the bomb drops he dreams of “the matador” as the crowd cheers on (Ole!), before the bomb hits.  Here, the over-the-top explosion fades as the crowd cheers on.  This is what I like to think of as the perfect cynical ending; the world ends as the people cheer.  Sounds about right, don’t it?

Unfortunately, the way I have the project scheduled, the next two songs are really “Debby Downers” too.  I’m trying to work on two at the same time, in an effort to try and speed up the process.  (Ipso Facto Recoil has taken about 6 months to develop and produce… at that rate my project will be finished around the next decade or so….Ugh). 

These next two songs are very political too:  “It wasn’t the Fault of the Gun”  which should come together quickly… It’s more a march than anything..  not too much production.  This one I think will be short and not-very-sweet.  And damned dark.  Really dark. 

Aside  (sorry, sweetheart...I know you want me to write happy songs.. but this is what I got.  I promise they won't affect the usually sunny personality...) 

Then, my tribute to the late Waylon Jennings - a stripped-down and old country-fied version of a song (the lyrics I mostly wrote years ago) called On the 3rd Day of My Sobriety.  The downside of how much we love the drink and some of us need it more than we think. 

Then, thankfully…  back to some happier and dance-ier songs that I have not developed yet:  It Would Have Been Better With Me, and Get the Rock Out.  

They are still in the writing writing phases yet… but, at least I know what I want them to be when they grow up.

After that… I’m going to tackle my very first gospel outing in “In the Garden”. 

Somewhere in that time, I’m going to release the “Pocket Full of Lonesome Part 2” (you know how we love sequels!) where there will be parts of number 1 plus remixes and a few new songs too.  And I'm considering ANOTHER version of "Stand Up! (and Rock n' Roll)" to be included on that as well. 

Then, finally… finally the last few songs!  The Naked Celebrities song is another politically charged song.. about how we seem to worship these people.. yet, they are as human as we are…  sort of.  And given the recent atmosphere we live in… it’s starting to look really creepy for so many of our “idols.”  

Friday, November 3, 2017

Nice Guys Finish Last?  
(Originally written in 2006...from another BLOG)  

The Last of the Nice Guys….

One of the things that just chaffs me recently, is the internet’s continuing ability to tell us that the sky is Blue…no, wait….um, Green… Nope Nope Nope… Studies indicate that the sky is actually Fuchsia (What the hell is Fuchsia?).  However, a new poll says that 80 percent of Americans believe the sky is grey. (Error of margin plus or minus 5 percent).

One such non-article showed up recently in (of course…the bellwether of all things in relationship issues…) Yahoo, entitled “Why nice guys finish last.”

This is an article written by “relationship expert” (Special to Yahoo Personals), April Masini. Ms. Masini is the author of FOUR whole books on the subject of dating: “Date out of your league” (Dating tips for men), “Think and date like a man” (Dating advice for women), “50 first dates” (Dating ideas)…and of course the page-turning, “The next 50 dates.”

The author in this article ventures a guess why so many women do not find “nice guys” sexy, or exciting. She goes on to extrapolate the reasons why nice guys fail. They are boring. They are predictable. They are “average”. They are not aloof, or do not “value themselves”.

She says, “…but there’s no chemistry. He just doesn’t turn me on.” 

And I can tell you from my (now) long dating experience, that she is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. I know because I am one of those “nice” fellows that she is writing about. Maybe that’s why I’m so chaffed by the article. Woe to the man dubbed, “nice guy”!

Of course, she does make some valid points…not to totally disregard all she writes. It is important to “value yourselves”. I would hazard a guess that means something like Care about yourself. Though most men CARE about themselves, perhaps not in the ways that attract women; or in ways the author would accept… but, sure most people CARE about themselves. In fact, in my experience, we could probably use a little LESS: I CARE ABOUT ME and a little MORE: I CARE ABOUT OTHERS..  (just my opinion, of course).

My take? I think the author is confused. In the very least, she is not very knowledgeable about men. Which, given this world in America…where both men and women roam in packs. Separate agendas. Separate lives. Separate paths….is completely understandable. The author is confusing a nice guy with the stereotype called “wimp”.  You can almost see him in your head now, can’t you? Thinking…umm… Jerry Lewis in a beanie cap. Glasses. Tape in the middle. Yeah, him.

The problem is not so much nice guys don’t turn women on. The problem is the type of women who feel they need a BAD GUY to turn them on. Oh, sure… I’ll bet that a Charles Manson in his day was a turn on (Obviously, from the legend of his women followers)… dark. Handsome. Dangerous. Scary. Sexy. But, DUDE… he KILLED people… get it? Killed them. Murdered them! In cold blood. Get it?

It’s all pretty hot in a romance novel. Bodice-ripping, sexual turn on, quiet, angry, on the edge, dangerous, pirate, international spy, Thief, Con man… all great literary devices. But, really.. who would want to live with that? You, Ms. Dating expert? Man, I hope not.

Then I thought about it (probably more than I should.. after all, I have other things to think about)… but my dad was a nice guy. I mean, a really really nice guy. People loved him. He went out of his way for just about anyone. He was funny, but most times quiet. He was kind. And caring. In his own way, strong. But not the I-don’t-care-what-anyone-thinks kind of prideful strong. Something that Ms. Masini has probably never seen before. A GOOD MAN.

My dad was in love with my mom and visa versa. And my mom in her day was pretty stunning woman. My dad? Well, he was no six-pack abs guy with a urban ‘tude and a righteous do.. Nope. My dad was more like…um… Fred Flintstone (without all the yelling)…  A regular, dependable, GOODGUY. 

Being strong and stoic does not come from outside. Being strong is something that comes from inside. Knowledgeable. Forthright. Compassionate. Experience. And one of my favorite words lately, integrity. That’s what makes a person (both men and women) strong.

And if some woman is not “turned on” or excited by the prospect of a good man… In my opinion…she is not worth the trouble either….

Let the Ms. Masini’s of the world date men in prison and wonder why oh why did she get so taken in when he left after he abused her and took all her money.

What this man (me) wants is someone who is strong and equal in forthright and has integrity as well.

And If that makes me a bad man…well, does that turn you on?

Friday, October 27, 2017

(Originally written February 11th, 2010) 

Maybe we should just give up now:  
You know, though I vowed to myself to watch and read less “news” in the new year…Yet, I find myself drawn to it like a fly to… well, you get the idea. I told myself, that news, especially “Hard” network news… is bad for the soul. It contributes to my overall angst, anger and complete confusion on our world today. I think of it, “the more I learn… the less I seem to know.”

Or as was put it in the old Black and White noir classic, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington… (Saunders): “I wonder Diz, if this Don Quixote hasn't got the jump on all of us. I wonder if it isn't a curse to go through life wised up like you and me.”
Or from The Beatles: “I read the news today…oh, boy…”

One of my good friends has suddenly gotten the political fever, and it’s intriguing how logic-be-damned, he sends out reams of demagoguery that leaves me just shaking my head. Then one of my other friends figuratively beats his logic over the head with some completely non-sensical non-logic demagoguery of his own. Two old men arguing about what color is the color of blue. (sigh)

But, it’s not just the political rancor that has me shaking my head in disgust. Murders, Mayhem, Sexual scandals, Blackmail, American Idol (isn’t there some sort of biblical commandment against worshiping idols? I’m just sayin’), Dancing with the (d-list) Stars, Global Warming, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Wars, Violence, Destruction, Distrust, unemployment, Tea Parties (don’t sound like much of a “party” to me, really), Drug overdoses, Mass murderers, Family murderers, Domestic abuse, Drug Abuse, Paparazzi abuse, natural disasters, man-made disasters, killing in the name of God, killing in the name of Allah, killing in the name of money, CEO’s that make too much money, people that will do anything for money, people that would do anything to get 15 minutes of fame on television, “reality” Television (an oxymoron…emphasis on the “moron”…  if ever there was one), the oil crisis, the climate crisis, the crisis in Haiti, the crisis in health care, the housing crisis, the unemployment crisis.

If I missed anything, I’m sorry..  but.. I think you get the idea. Today, I think I’ve finally met my final “news” limit with this story from CBS news dot com. It is simply titled “Chemicals in your foods that make you fat.”   There is a picture of green grapes on the page with the article.

Since I’ve been on this weight loss discovery, I have been inundated with thousands of suggestions, and I’ve been very (at least what I thought was) in tune to the best way to lose weight and live healthier. But, this article points out the near-impossibility of making sense of anything… any more than a Sarah Palin Presidency.

The chemicals sprayed on your fruits and vegetables are called (appropriately enough) obesogens. These chemicals sound like that evil side of Dr. Suesse’s worst nightmare. According to the article, these Obesogens can cause heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol. Wholly Crap!!! Huston, we’ve hit the mother load!

Why haven’t we heard about any of this before? Apparently, nothing is really safe from the chemicals. Apples, grapes, pears, oranges, Steaks, processed meats, anything in a can, anything in a plastic (PBA) bottle or container. Which is pretty much everything. Wholly hosanna!

So…okay in my endless searching for “Healthy eating” here’s what I’ve found…. “foodie experts” here we go………………..

  • Bread: Bad.
  • White Bread REALLY Bad.
  • Flat Breads, still Bad.
  • All non-organic fruits (apples, oranges, pears, grapes, and tomatoes), Bad.
  • Celery and other leafy vegetables grown not grown in the U.S.
  • Eggs, Bad.
  • Eggs, Good.
  • Nope, Eggs, Bad.
  • Wait!! Egg whites okay… Egg yokes, Bad.
  • Anything (and I mean anything) with white enriched flour, Bad.
  • Fish, Good.
  • Fish from Midwestern Lakes (laced with Mercury), Bad.
  • Fish oil, Good.
  • Fish oil..  ah, not so much. (Not if your on medications for cholesterol). 
  • Hot dogs…. Very very bad!
  • Hamburgers… no friggin’ way.. and certainly no cheese on them!
  • Actually anything less than goat cheese, BAD BAD BAD!!!
  • Milk (other than Soy Milk), Bad.
  • Chocolate, Bad…unless it’s Dark Chocolate and then it’s GOOD 
  • Any candies or sweets…Bad.
  • Candy Bars (with or without chocolate)…Bad.
  • Butter, Bad.
  • Margarine, Good.
  • Nope, Margarine Bad.
  • Butter, Good.
  • Nope.. neither one is any good.
  • Sugar…  shaaaa.. like not. Ever. Ever. Nothing with sugar anywhere near it! 
  • Salads, Good.
  • Salads Dressings, Bad. (Anything you put on the salad is bad… so just go for the leaves… oh, and only the DARK GREEN LEAVES).  Don’t even ask about croutons (those are breads, remember?)
  • Pizza… Bad. (no matter what it is!)
  • Fast Food, Bad.
  • Steaks, and any red meats… BAD.
  • Chickens???? Have you seen how McChickens are killed and chopped and grated for our pleasure?? Urrrgggg..  yuck! BAD BAD BAD! 
  • Mayonnaise, Bad. Sandwich dressing , Bad. (They suggest tofu to keep your sandwiches from being too dry… first, I don’t like tofu, and it’s don’t matter anyway.. cause your sandwich has bread, and cheese and processed meat… ALL BAD!)
  • Alcohol, Bad.
  • Alcohol (as in Red wine….good for your heart), Good.
  • Alcohol (as in Beer…good for your bones), Good.
  • I guess that means the Jägermeister is still up in the air.
  • Water, Good.
  • Water, in bottles, Bad.
  • Water in PBA plastic bottles… VERY BAD!
  • Any food in plastic containers, Bad.
  • Any food in metal can containers, Bad.
  • Any food in Jars, Good (how many of those are left?)
  • Yogurt, good.
  • Yogurt, Bad.
  • Yogurt.. Dannon, Good. (Makes your colon regular… in short, makes you poop more)
  • Yogurt… low fat, Still not so good.

I think that’s about it. Right? Whew! So, dear friends..  I’ve come to the conclusion that pretty much everything is bad. Which is why me and the other ogres in the swamp will be making a luscious swamp toad soup, fish eye tartar…. Tonight for dinner.

Oh, and as far as Ms. Palin goes? I hope she does make it to the presidency. From what I’ve seen recently, she’s the kind of president this country really deserves.

Bon Appétit

Thursday, October 19, 2017

(Written August 9th, 2017) 

We often think the worst of people after we watch the news.  After all, there are so many horrors out there, it’s enough for anyone to lose heart. 

Yet, it was about three years ago; I was feeling down and depressed.  My life was at a turning point.  I stopped in at what was Cousin’s Subs just around the bend in Baraboo, to purchase my typical Saturday Entree for lunch.  As I gave the man behind the counter my money, he handed it back, informing me someone had anonymously paid for everyone that day to eat for free“His only request was to pay it forward,” he said.

I never forgot that one complete stranger’s gift and request.  It taught me that people are bigger and better than the news we are forced to digest daily. 

Now we find ourselves on the precipice of war.  Two misogynist’s leaders full of nothing but hate and avarice are leading us all to the brink.  And maybe we are North Korea’s sworn enemy.  But, what if we practiced what Jesus had taught us? 

What if we turned the other cheek? What if we lay down our arms? Would that make us traitors or pioneers?

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Wine Walk:  Fill me up, Buttercup….

(Robin Williams:  I like my wine like my women, ready to pass out….)

Saturday Night I went with my lady friend to her stomping grounds, the thriving metropolis of Lyndon Station for their annual “Wine Walk.”  Now, I’ve never been on a wine walk before…and from pictures I’ve seen on Facebook, it looks more like a good excuse to get drunk than anything.  Still, I’m always open to new things…so, I accepted her offer to go with.  I drove, so I knew I would have to keep a solid hold on myself and not drink too much. 

First thing I noticed was it was expensive: $20.00 a pop (or – perhaps a fizzle) for tickets.  For that, we each got an actual glass wine glass (I was rather surprised it wasn’t a red solo cup) – wonderfully etched with “Wine Walk 2017” in case you might forget from where you inherited the “stem ware.” Five years from now, surely you’ll see them on some Saint Vincent’s shelf.  Finally, a booklet (with coupons) where the participants were to “punch out” after visiting each location.  There were about ten locations in all. 

The second thing I noticed, nearly all of the participants were female.  This was reinforced at one point by a couple of ladies tittering away behind me (a very crowded tavern) about how “men were too afraid to do a wine walk,” at which point I leaned back towards them and said, “Well, I consider myself a renaissance man.”  I was glad they laughed at that.  Better a laugh, than a glass of Green Bay Packers wine dumped on my head.

Some of the walkers I noticed were complete professionals.  You could tell by the wine glass holders they wore around their neck.  Now, those are some dedicated drinkers!  Keeping your hands free for…..whatever.

Mostly, it was just throngs of pleasant and chatty women (and a few of us guys) walking from tavern to tavern, less and less steady as the “tour” went on.

It rained.  Lord, it rained…  At least it was a good way to wash (Or in the vernacular of those from Lyndon Station…. WORSH) out the increasingly sticky wine glasses. 

I was sort of hoping it might be cultural nom de plume, where one would sample exotic and enigmatic tastes from local wineries with a little history from each area, sample cheeses, and sausages from those areas.  There were a couple of interesting stops, most notably, Miller’s General Store (the first stop).  Miller’s was an old-time local grocery store that would remind anyone my age of the golden age of Mom and Pop’s groceries where locals once purchased foodstuffs and other sundries. 
(Sorry, maam… just came into town for some supplies…) 

Downstairs at Miller’s, a trophy room where the wine was served and the folks down there were at least interested in explaining the differences in the three offered wines.  Plus, I am not a hunter, but I admit I was impressed with the cadre of deer and elk (and a Grizzly upstairs) trophies on the walls.  Also, the friends of my lady-friend, which came along seemed a likeable bunch, which also made the tour a good time. 

Other than that, it really ended up being more of a “…no, more…more… that’s it…. Just a sconce more…. Almost…. THERE!” as the 2.99\bottle wine spilled over the top of the glass.  Towards the end of the 2 whole blocks of “sampling” the stops pretty much gave up…one of the bars just sat bottles of wine out next to a bunch of fruit and cheese curds and you could just help yourself…

A-yup, it was a long, long way from sipping French Chateau Lafite – 1966 at Le Bistro de la Reine on the West Bank of Paris, along the Seine River… a belle femme quietly singing La Vie En Rose in the corner with her concertina as her accompaniment... 

To…  huddling with the drunk, wet masses at the “Double B” next to the pool table, whilst watching the Badgers play football, the Tunes box playing “She’s My Cherry Pie” at full, ear screeching volume and drinking an overflowing glass of Liberty Creek white. 
Though I think the most memorable of it all, was Norm, from…you guessed it, “Norm’s” pouring from those little 1.99 plastic Sutter Home glasses into your wine glass.  (Rolling eyes… )  I just don’t see why he just didn’t throw the little bottles at us as we passed by… 

“Here ‘ya go… get er’ done!” 

Finally, by the end I was ready to head home… and it was not even 8pm.  All I wanted was to go home.  

I know, I know… I’m sounding snobbish deluxe here, but I can’t help it.  It’s not so much a culture thing (well, maybe it is)… Look, I can red-neck with the best of them.  I can wrestle in the mud, baby.  But I just don’t see the purpose of trying to dress up something if there’s no real significance to it.  I personally think they should have had a big ol’ box of wine (1,000 gallons or more) in the middle of the street and ten spigots you could just put your mouth under.  That would have made more sense to me.

When I think of wine, I think of it like this…
(From “Sideways” 2004.  The Life of Wine)

Or even -
From French Kiss: 1995. (“Bub”  no, Bob… oh, BYOB”) 

Well, lessons learned, I guess...  I did try it.  When I get a hankerin' for a wine walk, I think I'll just throw a box of wine in the freezer, dig out my "Wine Walk 2017" glasses, and watch something on TV.  

Friday, October 13, 2017

From an earlier edition of my BLOG - Written on July 17th, 2008.  Funny how so few - and yet, how many things have changed since then...  

Saw a lightning bug and other Clark Kent Observations..

Interesting weekend, in many ways. Have I ever said how much as the years have gone by I love the fair? There’s something so.. .nostalgic and reminiscing about your local Wisconsin County Fair.. The cheese curds. The die for..  Gyros made from some mystery meat…served in tin foil and dripping sauce on your shirt..  Cheap beer in the beer tent… people you haven’t seen in years… Those Budweiser Mirrors… tilt a whirls.. Zippers…  Farris wheels.. on top of the world with your sweetheart. Kissing in the parking lot.

A few years back, I think I lamented about how I hated the fairs. Seemed like such a gyp…  but the last couple of years, I’ve learned to love them again. Just in the way of re-connecting with a past part of me. I don’t miss those days, but it was cool to re-visit just a little part. Of course it’s not the same..  first off, no sweetheart to go on the Farris wheel with and steal kisses…  but still got to spend some time in the beer (pavilion) not a tent… and listen to a great band.

(Of course, then she walks by… and the band starts playing… “WHEN WILL I BE LOVED?”  coincidence?) 

Anyway… I got what I wanted out of the experience. Saw people I knew from long ago. Had some cheap beers. Smelled the smells of the diesel engines that power the rides. Saw the show animals and the cool 4H stuff. Had the POWER GYRO… The crying kids and the teenagers all “meeting up”. It was nice.

Tonight when I was walking I saw a lightning bug. I think this is the first one I’ve seen in 2 years. I remember as a kid chasing them in a farmer’s field by our house in Wonewoc. Collected them in a little jar and my dad poked holes in the top “for them to breathe”.

I recently met a friend that (surprise surprise) actually likes Baraboo. We’ve had some great conversations.. and come to find out that she’s lived pretty much all over the U.S. and she said that she loves it here and does not ever want to move. I find that refreshing. Seems like some acquaintances I’ve known always want to move away… “If only I could move away from here…”

Brings up an interesting topic. Where ya hang your hat…   Though I am looking at kind of “hunkering down” over the nine or so months, to ride out what is turning out to be one tough recession. It’s just downright scary out there…  But, out of every bad storm comes a good thing…I believe. And maybe out of this one I’ll finally get me Dale on, and get past my very checkered past.

Does that include a move? Hmmm.. not sure. I really do (now) understand that willingness to start over again, fresh. New job. New town. But for someone that’s pretty much an introvert.. it could be very hard to start again. I would have to face my “social anxiety fears”, and not depend on the music/band part of my life to introduce me to new people. I am a little surprised that I have learned to come out of the shell a bit over the past year. I found…that…aside from drunks and sluts in bars… I enjoy having conversations with people. I like to hear their views (whether I agree with them or not), and their life histories.

And all this time, I thought I had the corner of the market for being…uhmmm… interesting.

Where you hang your hat is home? Maybe it’s where you hang your heart. I guess as the zen master once said…Hmmm.. We’ll see. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A fatal case of assholism…  

You know, I had heard that we (once again) missed out on the end of the world.  “Futurist” and conspiracy theorist David Meade became another YouTube celebrity with his theory that on Saturday, September 23rd the mysterious planet Nibiru or maybe it was Cthulhu (My apologies, H.P. Lovecraft fans) was going to bang into the earth and destroy all.  Well, that didn’t happen. 

But at least it gave pause to people like me that wonder about the end of our world.  Eventually, of course, there will be an end of our world.  But, when we speak about THE BIG END, mostly we’re talking about the end of humanity, as opposed to the end of the earth. 
Chances are the earth will be here for a long time, save an apocalyptic collision with a planet-sized meteor, a cross-orbital encounter with Mars or Venus, or when the sun finally flashes out as it becomes a red-giant, sometime five billion years into the future. 

Nope, we’re talking about the absence of humanity from existence.  I believe this result will come much sooner than the destruction of our planet.  Of course, you’ve probably seen or at least heard of all the ways thee may parish….  War, disease, natural disaster, and all the rest….many in Technicolor apocalyptic science fiction movies.

However, I firmly believe we will all meet our untimely demise because of a fatal case of assholism.  Of all the isms in the world, this one appears to be the most virulent and dangerous.  Now, assholism certainly seems to be on the rise in many corners of the world. 

Of course, in order to look into the meaning of assholism, one must understand the asshole as a whole….. (Thank you, thank you very much).  It, of course all begins with the ass.  

Now, being a big butt man from way back, I can certainly appreciate the pleasantly rounded orbs of a woman’s behind.  Now, frankly, I’ve tried studying the sexual significance of the butt… why men seem to find it attractive.  Most people do not like to discuss it, even to the point of me slapped hard across the face. 

Many women also seem to enjoy a good-looking butt on a man.  I’m not sure what qualifies as good looking.  “Round, tight and muscular,” are descriptions I have heard.  Of course, I don’t know why anyone would need muscles in their butt… sitting is done with or without a well-toned behind… and obviously one does not lift weights with their butt.

Honestly, the only reasons one has a butt is that your ability to bend, walk and sit all require a large hinged part of your skeleton to be on the lower section of your body.  (Having a butt on your shoulders would be cumbersome at best…)  The other, major reason you have a butt is that other reason….

Therefore, we get to the hole of the ass, the ass hole.

Now, the anus or -for our purposes of this exposition- ass hole is not just a hole, it is a sphincter muscle, which is really a good thing.  If you didn’t have a sphincter, it would be impossible to ever wear pants… every time you would have to void wastes, you’d just have to stop, drop and plop.  Not a pleasant aspect, for sure.  The sphincter muscle holds the waste (That’s poop) until it is full enough and with help from you, it leaves your body. 

Since having colon cancer years ago, I have great respect for the amazing abilities of the human body.  You put in food (Energy) in the top… and through gravity and coordinated muscle movements this food is used to supply your body with nutrients and energy as it moves from the upper GI to the lower GI tracts.  All this, thanks to a body system that is, for the most part, self-regulated. 

Now, the anus has been known for other things too…  some have used it as a storage area to smuggle drugs or other contraband items into or out of places.  Others claim it has sexual properties which we will not go into here (badda bing! Oh, I’ve got a million of ‘em!). 

Personally, I don’t quite understand much of that sort of thing.  Again, after having stage 3-colon cancer, I have had Doctors, Nurses, cameras, probes, and surgical tools up there… and I found it not pleasurable in any sort of way.  I guess different strokes for….. ah, whatever… 

Suffice it to say an asshole is a good and necessary thing to have as a matter of biology. 

However having an asshole and being an asshole is a huge difference. 

Unfortunately, being an asshole (or the more polite term, ass hat… that, by the way is not a thing) is not a good thing.  Those type of assholes seem to be everywhere.  Almost from the moment you get up in the morning, there seems to be assholes hanging around. 

There is that special asshole that manages to sit on your bumper on the highway on your way to work.  Extra special points awarded to that asshole that passes you on the two-lane road and then a half a mile up the road stops to turn left in front of you.  One only hopes for an especially warm spot in hell for them.  Not to mention those whom pass in no passing zones going up a hill, as I have oft experienced on lovely highway A in Sauk County.  (After all, A is for AUTOBAHN). 

Now, being an asshole can be contagious.  This is how road rage happens.  One asshole cuts off another, and this anger management patient becomes an asshole by thinking they can play fast and Furious on the highway.  Death on the highway because people can’t stop being assholes.  

Then, of course we have the assholes whom we all know are assholes… Nazi’s, the KKK and ISIS for example.  Truly assholes.  They want to KILL people because they don’t like them.  ISIS are a bunch of ****** that are so chicken they can’t face their enemies one to one, so they have to blow innocent people up to make their point. 

Of course, Donald Trump doesn’t seem to mind Nazi’s too much (or the or KKK or Russians for that matter),  so that brings me to the next bunch:

Assholes as leaders of countries and nations:  These stretch as far back as history.  Nero was one…  Caligula, another.  Hitler, of course is a favorite, but not many people remember Mussolini during the same time, also a rather righteous a-hole. 
Yet, the list of modern heads of state could equal these in their determination to undermine humankind with their atrocities.  (looking at you, Russia…) 

Since I like to think the elected head of a country should reflect the residents within, it goes to follow then the Donald Trump is probably an asshole…. Now, I’m not saying that I know for a fact that the President of our country is, indeed, an asshole.  Yet, it certainly seems like many of the things he has done and said are asshole-like.  Sort of like the obnoxious uncle that comes to your wedding, gets snookered on brandy and then does the most obnoxious things and ends up ruining the party.  You just wish Uncle Donald would just quietly pass out in a corner somewhere and sleep it off.  Shut up, Donny… you’re an ASSHOLE! 

It seems like there are so many Americans that fit that description, and are damn proud of it too… which makes them ignorant assholes.  It's like they have head lice and proud of that fact. Yeah, us! 

Assholes are truly everywhere…  The one non-asshole thing they do is not discriminate.  They stretch across all geo-political and economic lines.  Many of the rich think the greater amount is poor and the poor think the rich hold the patent on assholism.  It’s not a race, folks.  Plenty of asshole-pie to go around. 

There are many female assholes that are on parity with men assholes (finally, equality!).  Nevertheless, I would be willing to bet my ass-hat there are probably more men than women, which fit the description.  It certainly seems that way, doesn’t it?

There are assholes of all ages, types, color, religion, and ethnic backgrounds.  From the asshole that takes up two parking spaces at the store, to the one that sends you spam emails.

Full disclosure:  There have been times in my life, if I’m to be completely honest here, when I…. yes, even me, have been an asshole too.  However, these days I try my best not to be, as I am very cognizant of such behavior, and sometimes I fail… but, I do try very hard every day to be just an okay, regular guy. 

I’ve recently noted that folks that do good work things….like… oh, work on your computers for a living say…. Should not be treated badly … because… well, they fix YOUR stuff.  In other words, the tech guy at your workplace can certainly out-asshole you by getting around to fix the computer you broke sometime around…….hmmm….. Christmas, or the apocalypse whichever comes first.  Jus’ sayin’.   (which is, by the way… a very asshole-ish saying). 

So, now I’m closing this missive by apologizing for all the assholes.   I’m sorry that I use this terribly crude term, but in today’s world, it seems to be the only thing the people hear; almost like we have assholes instead of ear-holes.   

Finally, I would like to believe that when Moses went to the mountain to receive God’s law, HE could have saved himself a bunch of work –at least one tablet - if he cut it down to just a few commandments:

Love each other. Period. No exceptions. 
Treat each other the way you would like to be treated.
Always look out for, and take care of each other.
Keep me in your heart, always.... for I am always with you. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Yeah, you know me...  Saint Dale.  Patron Saint of Loser Musicians...  

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


This is the “Speech” I had written for the show last Saturday night.   Though I only used a small portion of it during an intro for the song “Time won’t let me,” the entire text is within.  I hope you enjoy or at least consider it…  in its totality. 

(Saturday, June 17 2017)   I woke up this morning and realized that this would be the very last day I would ever be 57 years old.  Tomorrow morning, approximately 4:44 am would be 58 years a human on this earth.  You could certainly say that today I’m on the edge of 58. 

Now, I’m sure you’ve heard of the song “the edge of 17,” by Stevie Nicks.  Well, the gulf between the edge of 17 and 58 is a rather large one.  So many things have changed from then until now.  So many technology advances… think about it. 

There was no internet, no cell phones, no “Amber alerts,” no Amazon… not even Super Walmart’s.  No cable television…  no Netflix, no global warming, not even unleaded gas.  There was only a few fast food places…   In Reedsburg, there was “Dairy King” and “A&W”…  The Reedsburg Café and very greasy beer battered fish and chocolate shakes at the Reedsburg Bowling Lanes. 

The thing is, when I was on the edge of 17, I was playing in LaValle, Wisconsin in a rock n’ roll band with a guitar in my hand.  Now, on the edge of 58, I’m playing in LaValle, Wisconsin in a rock n’ roll band with a guitar in my hand.  This leads me to only one conclusion…

I am a time-traveler from another era….   

This I am certain of.  This is the only logical explanation…. 

It’s hard for me to believe that time as slipped away so quickly.  I’ve heard it goes like this, but I always sort of didn’t believe it.  The days zoom by… weeks, months and then years.  Before you know it, you’re considering where to put your “plot” and companies are gleefully sending you “life insurance policies” to make sure your loved ones are not burdened by your funeral expenses… 

Excuse me?  Fuck you! 

I’m not done living yet.  I still have my dreams, thank you very much!
I’m still hoping that maybe.. just maybe… someone might take notice of the guy from Wisconsin that wrote that very heartfelt novel… or maybe spun that thought-provoking song.  I have so many great ideas still dancing in my head… 

Even more than that, I’m hoping someone will find the will to love such a lost soul as myself… and maybe spend some of the time we might still have together.  I’m sure so ready for that. 

58.  Not a curse, but perhaps a hasten…